The Benefits of Seedling Identification


Wednesday 26 March 2025 | 06:00 PM

Join Gecko Environment Council and Rusty Linnane as he presents 'The benefits of seedling identification'.

The presentation is based on an educational workshop on the benefits of seedling identification at all stages of ecological restoration.

From assessing a site's resilience, conducting bio conditioning surveys, ongoing maintenance and reporting, seed identification is an integral part of the industry.

Until now this skill had taken many years of field experience to correctly identify plants at seedling stage. Many environmental weeds look similar to native species at this stage of a plant's life and are mistakenly removed by people conducting ecological restoration.

Rusty Linnane a local conservationist and experienced bush re-generator, has recently published a book to assist people in correctly identifying both environmental weedlings and local native seedlings and reduce off target damage when conducting ecological restoration. The workshop will cover topics raised in the book with a look at the most commonly misidentified species found in the local area.

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