National Eucalypt Day Walk


Sunday 23 March 2025 | 10:00 AM

Celebrate National Eucalypt Day at the Botanic Gardens, home to many different species of Eucalypts including majestic veteran gum trees.

Join our expert Guide to see the extensive collection of Eucalypt trees and discover some of the unique characteristics of these truly remarkable species.

On this walk you will observe, identify and discover the special adaptations of these trees which ensure their successful survival in a range of Australian environments.

Join your Guide at the Meeting Post near the Friends Centre.

Don't forget to wear a hat, closed in shoes and bring a water bottle.

Getting there

Consider using public transport or active travel. Plan your trip with Translink's journey planner.

Parking may be limited. For metered parking, use the EasyPark app to start, end, and extend your parking direct from your phone to avoid fines. For more information visit City of Gold Coast's Parking page.

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