Australian Army Band Community Concert


Wednesday 02 April 2025 | 11:30 AM

A free and exciting concert showcasing incredible talent open to the entire community.

Guests will be invited to take their seats and join the Australian Army Band (Brisbane) as they present a concert that celebrates the past, while embracing the future of big band music.

This concert will take you on a musical journey, with the ensemble performing classic big band music, popular vocals and highlighting the talents of modern Australian and international big band composers.

The Robina Lions will also be selling raffle tickets with proceeds being used to support local programs.

Getting there

Consider using public transport or active travel. Plan your trip with Translink's journey planner.

Parking may be limited. For metered parking, use the EasyPark app to start, end, and extend your parking direct from your phone to avoid fines. For more information visit City of Gold Coast's Parking page.

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